Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Things I don't understand and therefore dislike about the world today

Since I'm popping my blogger cherry....I feel I should warn those reading this (which will probably only be my mother) that I am generally not a hateful person. GENERALLY..... I am, unfortunately, not always clever either, but I think I have a pretty good eye for stuff that doesn't quite jive. I think I get that from my mom....thanks ignorance is bliss here.

I have noticed lately that a lot of people out there seem to go around not caring how they look. I get that teenagers have more important things to worry about (like pimple cream and who they will swap spit with). But I just can't wrap my head around what motivates people to go around looking like utter crap. I have a theory that someone is selling mirrors...magic mirrors....when you look into them, you automatically think "Man, I look HOT!" no matter what you're wearing. The people who go around with that "I-don't-give-a-s***-and-that-makes-me-cool" look must have invested in such mirrors. You know you have seen people that own these mirrors. If you have not, then people think you own one.

I saw two girls today who had dyed bright purple chunks in their hair. Why? Because they like purple. And they have those magic mirrors. I can just see them standing in front of the mirror, "Yeah....yeah...that's great...that's hot...I'm so glad I thought to put this random geometric chunk of Barney jizz in my makes me so different and expressive".

If you wear white....please invest in some flesh colored underwear. Please. Sometimes I wonder if the women I see wearing a bright pink lacy thong are advertising or just blind. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are advertising. If you don't want people to judge you, don't give them the opportunity. Who knows? Maybe her panty peek got her a discount.....on flesh-colored panties.

I think I've menstrually ranted enough for one entry.

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