Thanks Ma! Since my hormone-fueled rants aren't entertaining enough...I'm blogging about what I made for dinner today. I get REALLY bored with the same broiled chicken and rice and beans. Perhaps it's the gemini in me seeking change. The thing is, when I was growing up, my mom wanted us to try new foods and dishes and restaurants and I never wanted to. But, after several years of brainwashing by the Food Network, I've gotten a little more funky in my food choices...I love to try new twists on classics. Like this mac and cheese. It's based off of Ina Gartens "Grown Up Macaroni and Cheese" recipe. Without the bleu cheese, because I don't like the idea of hot bleu cheese. This is what it looked like once it was all assembled....right before it went into the oven.
About one Family Guy episode later....Out came this bubbling, gooey, cheesy, yummy smelling concoction!
I had to wait a few minutes for it to cool...and Bernie HATES waiting for food. Can't you just see him saying, "Hurry up with the good stuff woman!". Oh, by the way, I feed him table food. He gets a little bit of everything I eat except chocolate and soda. I know, I'm the total anti-Cesar Milan. But I don't care.
TAAAHHH DAAAAAHHHH! And it has bacon in it! Bernie's favorite (and a high-ranking one on my list!) any good's my little boy enjoying his mac and cheese!
Looks delicious. The mac 'n' cheese that is. The dog just looks cute.